Yossi Baidatz


CEO of the Center for Educational Technology, the largest and leading organization of education technology in Israel. Previously led the Israel National Defense College.

Prof. Cristina Conati

Professor Computer Science Univ. British Colombia

Integrate A.I, Human-Computer Interaction and Cognitive Science to create intelligent interfaces and adapt to the user.

Dr. Vicky Phillips

Executive Vice President and Chief Education Officer, National Geographic

Previously, Secretary Education Pennsylvania & Director of Education at The Melinda and Bill Gates Foundation.

Prof. Markus Gross

Professor Computer Science, Swiss Fed. Inst. Tech Zurich

Director of Research and VP of global R&D of Disney. Head of Computer Graphics with special interest in learning difficulties and computer animation. 

Prof. Eugene Kandel

CEO Start-up Nation Central

Non-Profit dedicated to strengthen and connect the Israel Innovative Technology Ecosystem to the world to help them solve their most pressing problems.

Prof. Renee Hobbs

Professor at Harrington School of Communication & Media

Int'l recognized authority, researcher, expert on media literacy. Founder of Media Education Lab. Author, advocate of best practices. 

Nir Zohar

COO of Wix

Has been the driving force behind the successful scaling of the company’s operations from a small start-up in 2007, into an international company. 

Dr. David Weinberger

Innovator, Technologist, Senior Researcher Google.

Harvard Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society. Founder Harvard Library Innovation Lab,  Writer including the Cluetrain Manifesto and Everyday Chaos.  

Eli Hurvitz

Executive Director , The Trump Foundation

Member of the Israel National Board of Education, dedicated to educational improvement of Mathematics and Sciences. Co-Founder of Avnei Rosha.

Ron Reed

Executive Producer SXSWEdu

Founder of the highly acclaimed SXSWedu Conference & Festival that fosters social impact and innovation in learning by hosting a diverse community of stakeholders in education.

Trisha Callella

Product Partnerships Director, Digital Promise

Trisha is an Apple Distinguished Educator and published author. Was VP of Code to the Future & co-founder, Cotsen Foundation’s Principals Tech Network.

Ori Lahav

Co-Founder & GM Israel Outbrain

Outbrain is a world leader in optimization of reader experience. Ori Lahav oversees its R&D Israel center, algorithmic design and product innovation.

Avi Warshavsky

CEO of MindCET

Founder and developer of innovative educational solutions. World recognized EdTech thought leader. Writer, Pioneer and entrepreneur.

Dr. Cecilia Waismann

VP Research and Development, MindCET

Expert on research, development and adoption of emerging techs enabling pedagogy that meet the needs of the Digital age learner.

Jeff Pulver

Founder, The Pulver Edge

Pioneer and though leader on VoIP; founder of Free World Dialup, Vonage, VON Coalition. Investor in 400+ startups.

Ronen Soffer

Personal Assistance and Mobility Expert

Former SW Products GM - Intel New Devices and Telmap CTO

Norihisa Wada

Executive VP and CMO EduLab

Senior executive member of the leading Japanese EdTech organization, building new businesses, investments, IT solutions and supporting next edu generation.

Sagi Schliesser

TabTale’s Co-Founder & CEO

An entrepreneur and visionary in the world of mobile gaming and education , holds an MBA in Business Psychology with honors & MSc. in Computer Science. 

Yossi Hayut

Head of Educational Innovation at Wix.com

Formulates and executes Wix’s educational vision, to inspire the next generation to create stunning tech and having every child learn 21st century skills.

Dr. Tali Yariv-Mashal

Director , Beracha Foundation Israel

Leads a major philanthropic aid that supports entrepreneurial and innovation educational initiatives. Expert in EdTech financial and business models.

Yishai Pinchover

Co-Founder and COO CodeMonkey

Took CodeMonkey from conception to monetisation and accomplished the successful acquisition by TAL - world's largest education company.

Dr. Michal Tabibyan

Senior Director of Strategy and Planning, Ministry of Education

Senior manager in Government and Society Division of Israel Prime Minister's Office, senior researcher at the Knesset Research and Information Center.

Yossi Vardi

Chairman of the DLD

One of Israel’s early entrepreneurs, Yossi Vardi Co-Founded, led, funded and helped build more than 80 high-tech, energy, natural resources, and clean-tech companies.

Akiba Covitz

Chief Business Development Officer at Sense Education

Senior university administrator, professor, and senior corporate executive, charting the course forward for US top universities.

Prof. Gila Kurtz

Professor of Educational Technologies, HIT

Head of M.A. program in the Instructional Technologies faculty at Holon HIT, Israel. Expert in research, development, and implementation of innovative techs for learning and training.

Barak Ben Eliezer

Founder & CEO at Winnovation

Founded Einstein Network global network for the future of mankind, special adviser in  strategy and technology to the to the National Security Council

Eytan Kleinman

Director of Innovation - Ministry of Education

Leads the teacher entrepreneurial programs of the Ministry and was previously the Chief Digital Officer.

Dr. Rotem Bennet

Brain Research, Motor-Cognition Modeling, Hands-on XR Pioneer

Expert, Virtual Re-Embodied Cognition (Technion), Multi-Brain Teacher-Learner Interactions (Haifa Univ), Neural markers of Consciousness in VR (TAU). 

Ran Magen

Head of MindCET eX

Leads MindCET's Research and Development program. Explores cutting edge technologies and develops innovative Educational Technology solutions.

Wendy Xiao

Program Manager, Digital Promise

Leading Learner Variability Project and working with various EdTech products, including products from the social-emotional learning field. 

Dr. Ilan Ben Yaakov

Pedagogical Director, MindCET

Expert and pioneer of innovation programs for teachers with a strong background in Pedagogy as well as technology.  Writer and thought leader.

Vicky Weiss

Program Manager of "BAGROUP" at CET

Leading Social Learning Groups for High School Students using WhatsApp.

Dr. Dan Kohen-Vacs

Head and CTO, Faculty of Instructional Technologies, HIT

Holds a PhD in Computer Science. Leads Research & development efforts on various technologies including VR/AR, Mobile Learning, IoT & Robotics. 

Inbal Hochman

Co-Founder of educational Blog platform "Drillim"

EdTech Entrepreneur. Co-Founder of "Drillim". Dreamer Teacher and Educator, leading young leadership in the Yavne "Ginsburg Kiryat Hachinuch"

Livnat Aranayas

Co-Founder of SeeMe

Educator in elementary school for 14 years, coordinator of IC.
Award Winner: Israel State Teacher, 2018. Co-Founder of SeeMe. 

Sapirit Rotman

Co-Founder of educational Blog platform "Drillim"

EdTech Entrepreneur. Co-Founder of educational Blog platform "Drillim". Out of the box creator-teacher in the Yavne democratic school institute.

Efrat Lieberman

Co-Founder of SeeMe

Lecturer in Philosophy at Ben Gurion University, Ariel University and Co-Founder of SeeMe.

Michal Froilch Bahar

Founder of "Nikudu"

Inclusion in education coordinator, Works in Matya-Tverya, Regional Support Center. Founder of "Nikudu", a tool design to acquire reading skills.

Daniel Yahel

Co-Founder of "TEEMZ"

Teacher and entrepreneur in the educational system. Basketball player, radio broadcaster, performance artist, chef and maker. Founder of "TEEMZ".

Shirly Kones

Co-Founder at "ABiGoo"

Musician, Teacher and Co-Founder at "ABiGoo" Song-writing and Composition app. A tool design for learning to Read, while making Music.

Rany Bar On

Head of Entrepreneurship culture domain at Mifras

Expert in the development and implementation of innovative programs and ed-tech platforms for schools, pre-school and municipalities.

Tamar amar

Founder of OlamON

Geography teacher, Instructor of Division A for pedagogical development. Founder of OlamON, a news provider for youth.

Roy Zur

CEO and Founder Cybint

Founded Cybint Solutions to meet the exploding global need for cyber education

Ofer Tiber

Head of reCET - The Innovative Development Unit

Leads CET’s special unit reCET devoted to the development of ground breaking techno-pedagogical applications in the field of education.

Shiri Shiffer

Head of The EdStart program - Ta'asiyeda

Leading a National Edtech incubator among educators for the Ministry of Education. Believes in bottom-up innovation and it's power to make a change.